The Society of the Many is Irreversible (with an introduction of Tunçay Kulaoğlu)

The racist terrorist organization National Socialist Underground massacred nine migrants and one police officer between the years 2000 and 2007 in various cities across Germany. In addition to the murders of Enver Şimşek, Abdurrahim Özüdoğru, Süleyman Taşköprü, Habil Kılıç, Mehmet Turgut, İsmail Yaşar, Theodoros Boulgaridis, Mehmet Kubaşık, Halil Yozgat and Michèle Kiesewetter, bombings targeting migrants and a series of bank robberies were also carried out. The German government, who looked for the culprits amongst the migrants, who blamed the victims and subjects of the attacks, continued to protect the racist entities established by intelligence organizations and the official bodies that collaborate with these entities after the suspicious suicides of Uwe Böhnhardt and Uwe Mundlos in 2011, who were the core team of the NSU, and the third member of the organization, Beate Zschäpe, was captured. The NSU illegally destroyed thousands of pages of paperwork that could shed light on the murders. Fascist informants were taken into the custody of the state, who were paid by the secret services. Some of the informants whose identities were exposed either committed suicide in suspicious ways or they just died. The most comprehensive series of acts of racist serial murders and bombings after WWII were blamed on the migrants by not only the state, but also the racist social structure that included the media and the politicians. Since 2011, officials of the state, intelligence officers, politicians who have been testifying in the numerous commissions established by the Federal Parliament and in state parliaments have continued to lie, to censor and to destroy evidence under the rubric of confidentiality to protect the state.

Finally, the State of Hessen decided to keep the intelligence documents that could shed light on the NSU murders to be kept locked up for 120 years. The State of Munich High Court has been trying Beate Zschäpe and a few other scapegoats since 2013, defending that the NSU was a three-people organization, not paying heed to the opinions and testimonies of the various targets and the victims’ families; the demands of the families and the lawyers involved, which could expose the deep state in Germany and consequently, the structural racism, are categorically denied.

The Tribunal Unravelling the NSU Complex, which took place in Cologne on 17-21 May 2017, to expose the structural racism that is prevalent in the state and across most of society, to reveal the perspectives of the victims and migrant communities, to uncover the complex of NSU and to lay out the names of the responsible people, penned a bill of indictment that sues a hundred people, ranging from Prime Minister Angela Merkel to civil servants of the lowest levels, to politicians to members of the press and the media.

Unravelling the NSU Complex, which was established in 2015 across Germany with the participation of hundreds of people, plans for social actions targeting the NSU trial in Munich after the tribunal in May as the trial nearly concludes.

Tunçay Kulaoğlu

(translated by Merve Ünsal)

Migration is happening. It is irreversible. Acknowledging this means wagering on a future in a democratic, cosmopolitan society based on the right to have rights.

Migration is happening, regardless of what motivating factors sociologists and migration researchers claim drive it.

Migration is happening stubbornly, without heeding fantasies of controlling, regulating or stemming the surges, floods and flows of moving people.

Migration possesses a relative autonomy that cannot be assimilated into the concepts of those who stay put, into the imaginary homogeneous communities dreamt up by anxiety-ridden nationalists.

People flee the circumstances they find themselves in, they move around, they are curious, they fall in love, they seek out better opportunities for themselves, they escape, they explore, they transform themselves: nobody knows what would happen if an NGO worker, a refugee, a tourist and a local met in a bar on Lesbos.

Ideas of borders have adapted to circumstances. Borders exist not just along the barbed-wire fences between Hungary and Austria, but also in the Intercity train from Hamburg to Cologne. Borders run along the line dividing primary and secondary school, when the nice primary school teacher sends little Fabian to upper school A-level and little Fahruk to secondary general school. They run through the Moria refugee camp, where the good refugees are separated from the bad ones.

But Moria has burned down and black-market tickets for the ferry to Athens are available everywhere for €35.

What can be controlled is people’s suffering, the deprivation of their rights, the ease with which nationalists can get away with murder scot-free (like the National Socialist Underground group) or attempted murder (like the Rostock-Lichtenhagen rioters).

This shifting of borders is nothing new. The invisible borders don’t divide two areas into “Here” and “There”; rather, they define who has rights to which spaces. A logistics of rights transforms one and the same space into home turf for one group, no-go area for another.

And yet migration is unstoppable. People’s autonomy, solidarity and social networks undermine the restrictions imposed by those who seek to exploit them.

No wonder that the practices that have become second nature to the German Left were inspired by the practices of migrants: from new kinds of struggle against the factory and ultimately the flight from the factory to squatting, from community centres to collectives, from migrant ghettos to trendy districts as sites that shape people’s political outlooks.

The recognition that migration and the struggles inherent in it can shape and democratise societies is our stake in a wager on a future – a future whose past we are continuously realising today in thousands of little towns, niches and social relations.

The fantasy of society as a static community is doomed to fail, even if it can and will lead to untold suffering in the process of failing.

Almanya was “kanakised” long ago, no matter how many thousands of people bellow slogans to the contrary. Their faces contort all the more hideously, their bellowing grows all the louder, the more they realise that the world they wish to go back to is a phantasm that never actually existed. Their fanaticism is an expression of this realisation. They too have placed a wager on the future, but they have a terrible hand.

From racists to Gorki audiences, everyone is thinking about migration and migrants, how best to manage them, how to treat them – for they understand access to civil rights as a privilege that belongs to them and which they can grant or deny as they see fit. That is the lie of integration, which is perpetuated by Right and Left alike.

We oppose this lie with a different perspective, a different stance. For migration doesn’t just mean taking rights that don’t belong to anyone – it is a process without end, one that cannot be completed.

It’s not about individual rights, it’s not about equal rights; who, after all, would want to share the same fate as this country’s miserable citizens?

It’s about far more, namely the fundamental right to have and receive rights. It’s about a right to rights that goes far beyond the status quo. A right that is not reformist, but revolutionary.

And it’s in migration that the spirit of this revolution can be found.

(translated by Andrew Godfrey for Transfiction)

The text is an excerpt from the six presentations by AG-Attitude, a preparation group for Tribunal Unravelling the NSU Complex, at the Uniting Backgrounds Festival at Maxim Gorki Theater, 9 October 2016.

Massimo Perinelli

Democracy Not Integration

Das Netwerk kritische Migrations-und Grenzregimeforschung

The List

Banu Cennetoğlu, Erden Kosova

More from this issue
Rasha Salti

Be Still My Beating Heart

In what follows is an attempt at an impossible dialogue with an inanimate object that cannot answer me back. Namely, a book titled Maalesh, the Journal of a Theatrical Tour, by Jean Cocteau.

Banu Cennetoğlu, Erden Kosova

The List

I encountered The List for the first time in Amsterdam in 2002. After downloading the pdf file I found on UNITED's website, I found myself to have made a very quick decision.

Das Netwerk kritische Migrations-und Grenzregimeforschung

Democracy Not Integration

The Critical Network of Studies for Migration and Border Regimes initiated a counter-campaign and their manifesto was signed by 3800 intellectuals. Here, we are presenting that campaign text (2010) as it remains still one of the most striking challenges to the discourse of integration.


No a la Integración, right to a legal status, globalisation and anti-racism

One year ago, Kanak Attak, a coalition against racism, presented its work to a larger audience for the first time at the Volksbühne Berlin. With the OpelPitbullAutoput revue, panel discussions, films and conversations in the hallways, we turned our attention to the history of migrant resistance, a topic whose traces have been lost in libraries and personal archives.

Max Czollek, Corinne Kaszner, Leah Carola Czollek, Gudrun Perko

Radical Diversity and De-integration: Towards a Political and Artistic Project

The concept of "integration" is all the rage in public discourse. There's no party manifesto where it doesn't occupy a central position, and there's no discussion about migrants in the media where it isn't used as a shorthand for the problem of "people who aren't like us".

Natalie Bayer, Mark Terkessidis

Beyond Repair: An Anti-Racist Praxeology of Curating

The exhibition conceived in 2014 by House of the History of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bonn, on the topic of Germany as an immigration country, was titled Immer bunter, which translates as "ever more colourful".

Emina Bužinkić

What If Political Landscapes of Solidarity Were All We Cared For?

In this article, two examples of social experimentations are presented: one that intertwines concepts of culture(s) and public infrastructure, and the other one that meets concepts of food and socio-economic emancipation.

Alisa Lebow

Filming Revolution: a non-linear database project about filmmaking in Egypt since the Revolution

This interactive archive does not attempt to provide a history of the revolution, nor does it attempt to an exhaustive chronicle of filmmaking in Egypt since 2011. The focus is on documentary and independent filmmaking and creative approaches to leading the Egyptian culture and society after the events of the revolution.

Begüm Özden Fırat, Fırat Genç

The Commons, Class Recomposition and Strategy

The main thesis is the following: The global political topography of our time is being reshaped through uprisings that exhibit a global momentum and share the same moment - although they are independent of the specific social and political contexts of which they are emerge.

Damir Arsenijević

The Working Group `Jokes, War, and Genocide’ Emancipating the Modes of Commemoration

Bosnian society is presently locating, exhuming, identifying and re-burying its dead. After the war, there are still 10 000 missing persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina buried in hidden mass graves.

Ruben Arevshatyan

Disclaiming and Reclaiming the Public

Within these last 5-6 years, it has been possible to perceive an increasing wave of public activism in the capitals of former Soviet republics, supporting the protection of urban buildings and spaces which had public functions during the Soviet period.

Rastko Močnik, Jelena Vesić, Vladimir Jerić Vlidi

Interview with Rastko Močnik: There is No Theory Without the Practice of Confrontation

Dispossession is a complex term, and we would like to try to break it down to particular fields of operation and use cases. You are among the rare people we know able to simultaneously analyze in depth three of the most prominent domains of the operation of the term - political economy, sociology, and psychoanalysis.

Jelena Petrović

What Does Freedom Stand for Today?

Impossibility to change neoliberal systems which shape and oppress everyday life on all social levels, as well as the simultaneous and paradoxical act of playing and resisting dominant social structures, put us in the position to rethink what the politics of liberation or its revolutionary practices of today.

Marina Gržinić

What Freedom?

Freedom is coming with the adjective in global capitalism. It is exponentially doubled, given as a gift, naked, illegal, and therefore stays today for an emblematic point of analysis of capitalism, its history and present: sovereignty, citizenship, the subject, and humanity.

Vladimir Jerić Vlidi

Dispossession by numbers: 2017/10/70/100

Excerpts from a visual essay for Red Thread: for the multimedia version visit

Asena Günal

“Cultural Hegemony” by Means of the Police

This is a somewhat personal text. Osman Kavala is my employer, and also, since he personally works side by side with us in some projects, my colleague. I was not expecting what befell him.

Guillaume Paoli

Commonplaces and Peculiarities

Let us begin with this paradoxical statement: In a world which sets so much value on diversity, it has become virtually impossible to be different.

Red Thread Editorial Board

Issue 4 – Editor’s note

While preparing the issue on dispossession, one from among us is being taken into arrest. This has left behind powerful emotional traces. Is there a new doubt? Could we continue this magazine into the future?